5 Tips for New Mommy Bloggers

5 Tips for New Mommy Bloggers

I decided to become a blogger a couple months ago while searching for jobs that I could do online while I was home with my kids. Everything kept pointing to becoming a blogger. After many days of researching other blogs, I had finally decided to have a go at it! I can’t say that my blog is perfect because it’s not. Every day always seems to be a work in progress. You can only learn through trial and error!

I decided to give 5 tips for all you wonderful, new Mommy Bloggers out there.

  1. Brainstorm– In the beginning, I had the worst time being organized and figuring out what exactly I wanted to do. What niche what I write for? Will I want to review products? How would I design my website? What platform do I use to create a site? This is where brainstorming comes to play. Take an hour or more, grab your notebook, and start jotting down whatever comes to mind. A great thing to do is a little research as well. Get on Google and look up other Mommy Bloggers. Look at their layout, the way they write and get some ideas on topics to write about in case you get writer's block.
  2. Be easy on the eyes– No one likes to be overwhelmed by a busy website. Keep it organized and simple. I have seen many bloggers have simple white layouts with a beautiful font, and to me, it looked great. I personally love to use neutral colours and sometimes I’ll add a little extra splash of colour in there to make it pop!
  3. Be yourself– While researching many blogs, I got to see just how special and unique every single person was. Everyone had a special way of writing, whether it be an article of information or a personal story, you could see just how comfortable the writer was while creating that piece. There are also writers out there that are more informative and some that just love to vent it out with humour. My advice to you is: Be yourself. Don’t try to be like anyone else and don’t try to impress. Let your writing flow and show your personality through your words. This is what your readers will want to see.
  4. Be patient!- Like the old saying goes... “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” So you have your ideas written on paper, the logo is finished, you came up with the name for your site, and you just wrote your first post…Now what? Don’t expect to see much at first! I personally had a rough time in the beginning. I would get so discouraged on some days because no one had visited my page. So every day I would try to figure out what I could do to build my audience… and that is what leads me to number 5.
  5. Network, Network, Network!- You can’t receive followers if you don’t put your name out there. Spend a day joining different social media platforms. There are many to choose from such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ and so much more. I recommend searching with keywords for people to start following, 9 out of 10 times they will follow you back. This is something that I did, and as soon as those followers saw my posts for my site, they would share my info… and voila! I started getting followers! My favourite social media site to use is Twitter. I am getting pretty close to 2,000 followers in less than 2 months of me starting my blog.

One thing I can say to you is this. We all started out just like you. If you need help and have questions or even just want some feedback, ask! Simply visit a blog for their contact information. Email the writer. It’s as simple as that! I love helping in any way that I can, so if you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me!

If you would like me to create tutorials or create a post about starting up your social media, let me know and I will write something up!


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