5 Ways to stay healthy in college

 We should be more concerned about our health than everything else. And when its college life, we know how hectic it becomes. There are many things we get caught in, ignoring our health and wellness. Classes and Homeworks are important, likewise a part-time job but one shouldn't be unaware of how important health is. We simply just can't ignore our wellness. Here are a few tips to stay healthy in college.

Healthy Eating

Usually, we have cafeterias and fast-food restaurants around us in college or outside. And it's hard to skip them but we have to for the sake of good health. Keeping fruits or Granola or energy bar is an easy way to start off your day right. Keeping healthy snacks with you is great for times when you can't buy good food for yourself or its not present around.

Go for the salads or veggies or green and fresh food. Don't end up having a pizza. Hit up with something fresh. Avoid having sodas or juice with meals instead go for water or skim milk.

Drink More Water

Make sure to drink enough water during the day. Water helps keep the body well hydrated, which is essential because almost every cell in the body needs water to function properly.

The health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 litres, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember.

It relieves fatigue, Improves mood, treats headaches and migraines, helps in digestion and constipation, aids weight loss, flushes out toxins.

Dehydration has some serious side effects. It makes you feel tired and gives you headaches etc.

Get a refillable water bottle for yourself to carry it around with you.

Control Alcohol Intake

Its famous that we change during college life. We start attending parties and drink alcohol and bla bla bla. And this is the point where our lives change. Drinking alcohol has some serious side effects on health. So, try to keep it in control. If you really want to drink, do it in moderation. Don't drink every night --- or even every weekend.

According to a report by USA Today, about 50% of full-time college students binge drink or use drugs at least once every month. This accounts for 2.7 million American college students.

Alcohol has some long-term effects on your mental and physical health. And the risk gets even higher if you are underage. It can affect your grades and eventually can lead you to miss out classes if you overdo it.

If you really want to enjoy your college life, avoid parties served with alcohol or friends and circles which are addicted to it.

If you find yourself drinking or using drugs constantly or because you’re trying and numb feelings or think you’re depressed, don’t hesitate to get help. These are signs of addiction and could jeopardize more than just your college experience, but your overall quality of life.

Do Exercise Regularly

Most colleges have gyms for students. They don't have to go out to find one in the town. Utilize it even if you can't afford to go daily. Try to go twice, thrice or every second or third day if you can make it a daily routine.

And Yes, walks or jogging can be done everywhere. Take out time in the morning and do jogging. Join sports clubs/societies of the college. These physical activities have a great impact on health.

Sleep Well

You need to sleep as much as you need to breathe and eat. While you’re sleeping, your body is busy tending to your physical and mental health and getting you ready for another day. It's crucial to sleep for around 6 hours minimum.

When you’re deprived of sleep, your brain can’t function properly, affecting your cognitive abilities and emotional state. If it continues long enough, it can lower your body’s defences, putting you at risk of developing chronic illness. The more obvious signs of sleep deprivation are excessive sleepiness, yawning, and irritability. Chronic sleep deprivation can interfere with balance, coordination, and decision-making abilities. You’re at risk falling asleep during the day, even if you fight it. Stimulants like caffeine are not able to override your body’s profound need for sleep.

When you’re sleep-deprived, the effects of alcohol consumption are magnified, as is your risk of being involved in an accident. According to Harvard Medical School, studies show that sleeping less than five hours a night increases the risk of death from all causes by about 15 per cent. Sleep deprivation is dangerous to your mental and physical health and can dramatically lower your quality of life.

Make sure you’re prepping yourself before you need to be in bed. Make sure your room is dark, you’re not eating or drinking before bed (especially caffeine) and that you’re limiting your screen time before you sleep. All of those things can impact the quality of sleep that you’re getting.


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