Mom Bloggers: 10 Reasons why you should start Tweeting


Mums! Seriously you need to start tweeting. I mean start using twitter. It’s a great tool for reaching out to masses or in other words, your readers. I have been using it for over a year now and found that many mums are using it too. That’s good news.

But before that! First, do you know what Twitter is? If not! then read my full guide Twitter for Mom Bloggers on this topic.

Now that you know what Twitter is, let me tell why you should start tweeting now.

10 Reasons to start using Twitter

It will help you become more social

There are many social networks nowadays but which one suits you? You never know unless you try them. Personal experience has no substitute. Twitter is a social network and has millions of users registered. You can find thousands of like-minded people on it and interact with them. Unless you are social, you can’t win the race from others who are more social than you.

Twitter will help you stay connected

Staying connected? In my opinion, Twitter is the best social networks in terms of staying connected with my readers. It’s difficult to keep up with your fans in today’s busy world. Twitter makes it easy to stay connected to people you care about.

It will introduce you to new friends

When i started, i hadn’t many friends. I was all alone following others to what they are doing. But now I have many friends and Good friends. And not just them, many others. They have contributed to my life in small but significant ways.

You will know whats happening around

Twitter keeps me update from every aspect. Breaking news, technology, business, culture and as said earlier, what others are doing. You get to know what’s trending today in your locality or country.

It will help you become a better writer

Twitter allows you to write your tweet in only 140 characters at a time. You have to say it in ONLY 140 characters. Can you? Off course! with practice, you will learn how to write long sentences, short. You will get to know shorthand.

Twitter will help you know your friends better

You can know your friends or people you are following better from their tweets. Tweeters usually tweet about what they are doing, what they are interested in, what makes them happy and sad, what makes them angry or emotional. When are they excited, bored or frustrated. Everything! Now you know me what i’m interested in.

You can reach more people in less time

Twitter is very fast. You write you tweet and thousands of your followers see it. It’s a very effective messaging platform. All of the big heads are using it. Even I’m using it and you can follow me @jenloveofficial as well. So, if you want to update your fans, it’s easy and just takes a minute.

Twitter doesn’t need hours

Why I love Twitter? It's very fast and doesn’t load for hours. Its very instant. On my phone, it doesn’t even take a minute to load. And I can swipe through all the updates in a few minutes. This is cool! Huh?

It will get you traffic for your blog

As more of my readers are on Twitter, I get pretty much of my blog traffic from Twitter. I tweet about my every blog post on Twitter. Usually, it gets shared and reaches to many other people who aren’t even following me.

And It can help build your personal “brand.”

Twitter can help build your personal brand. Brands are more followed and more trusted. Imagine, if your profile gets a verified mark, how many users will start following, how many people will get to know you. But it’s not that easy to build your brand. However, Twitter has the potential to take you to that level.

Twitter is a fun and easy way to know about what your friends and other people are up to. What they are talking about, what are their interests and what’s hot on the internet today. I get ideas for my blog posts from Twitter as well and read what others share.

How about you? Do you use Twitter? Let me know in the comments section. And Share your Twitter handler, I will follow you. 


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